뉴앙상스 파리|뉴앙상스 파리 뉴 앙상스 - 퓨리파잉 마스크 25ml x 10pcs

할인가 31,200


25ml x 10pcs





[해외] 택배사 : 한진택배 |배송기간:4일~7일

product benefits: unclog and shrink pores water and oil balancing and even skin tones. we recommend to regular makeup wearers acne sufferers and people having dull skin and hyperpigmentation. non-irritating formula.  the mask’s sheet material is premium charcoal kishu binchotan procured from japan. it can remove dirt pollution excessive oil and toxins from pores. the mask’s serum contains niacinamide which can retain moisture and minimize enlarged pores. it also contains gold leaves which has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits. 


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    (처음 사용하시거나 피부자극이 잦으신 분은 백화점등에서 꼭 테스트후 구매해주세요)