뉴앙상스 파리|뉴앙상스 파리 리바이탈라이징 프레쉬 워터 95ml

할인가 40,400







[해외] 택배사 : 한진택배 |배송기간:4일~7일

cosmos organic certified 98.9% natural origin of total. made in france fresh and pleasantly-scented this toning water is the ideal care to revitalize the skin and complete makeup removal. nourishing barley water full of proteins vitamins and minerals is combined with organic chamomile and witch hazel waters with purifying and relaxing properties that gently remove impurities and last traces of makeup. aloe vera puts the finishing touch on this care for even more comfort and well-being. perfectly cleansed skin feels luminous and revitalized. cleansing and balancing the skin as well as tightening the pores. beneficial for sensitive delicate and irritated skins. reduces acne and fights skin infection. brighten the skin tone by gently exfoliating the skin and helping to control oil secretion highly anti-inflammatory. works best on superficial surface acne rather than cystic or deeper acne.


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    (처음 사용하시거나 피부자극이 잦으신 분은 백화점등에서 꼭 테스트후 구매해주세요)